Books By Idaho Author Marilynn J. Harris


A Child Of My Own

A Child of My Own is a life story about a young girl who was abandoned by her mother, at the age of eight years old after a series of family tragedies.

My Forever Love

It is every girl's dream to grow up, marry a knight in shining armor, have children and live happily ever after. But real life is not always perfect ...


On Top Of Moon Mountain

(The Moon Mountain Series Book 1)

William and Clayton Richardson two handsome Idaho brothers had a perfect life, but things turned violently wrong when a failed economy started a domino effect that left death and destruction in its wake. Their picture-perfect world was destroyed when ...

Beyond the Idaho Mountains

(The Moon Mountain Series Book 2)

Will and Clayton Richardson, two handsome Idaho brothers lived a carefree, abundant life. Suddenly their amazing life began to crumble because their father, Clint Richardson lost everything. Then ...

Return To Terror Mountain

(The Moon Mountain Series Book 3)

Clayton Richardson had spent years trying to rebuild his life after the tragic loss of his parents. Ever since he and his brother William were rescued from the Idaho Mountains in their early teens, he had tried ...



(Enigma Series Book 1)

It is a very disturbing time. Families worry about money, jobs, losing their home, feeding their family, and who will be the next President. But the greatest fear of all is the fear of a nuclear war or to be ...

Enigma Winds

(Enigma Series Book 2)

How can one small Idaho community survive the wrath of the mysterious winds? How do you fight an invisible enemy? A mindless enemy filled with rage; an enemy that kills, destroys and leaves total ...

Enigma Sun

(Enigma Series Book 3)

Enigma Sun is the last book of the three-part Enigma series. Something has altered the atmospheric pressure of the earth and it can no longer filter out the harmful sun's rays. An extreme heatwave is rapidly taking over Europe, Canada and all across America. It must be stopped or it will soon destroy the entire world.


The Magic Christmas Kite

This is a Christian children's book that I wrote for my seven grandchildren. One extraordinary Christmas Eve they take a magical journey, traveling back in time to witness the first Christmas.

Song of the River

Harrison Obadiah Pike was born on April 16, 1867. Within minutes of his birth, he was sent to a wet nurse, and left to die. Yet he was a survivor, and at the age of three years old he was adopted by a prominent Memphis plantation owner where he was loved, nurtured and truly blessed. Harrison was intelligent, educated and even though his life was filled with prominence and wealth, he was constantly searching for the birth family that had left him behind. Sometimes, finding your past can destroy your future.

Eyewitness Report

When I was born, my family lived in a big old two-story white house in downtown Boise, Idaho. My life was safe, secure and innocent. As a child I loved to read and write stories. I was the youngest of six children, and by my ninth birthday all of my siblings were grown-up and gone from the house. Sadly, I was the last child left in our huge family home, and I was forced to spend most of my time alone. Both of my parents worked, so I would sit in my room for hours and just write about anything I could think of. Then one horrifying night I witnessed something out my bedroom window that would change my life forever.
D. L. Jacobson

Through the Eyes of Desmond

I got married at the age of seventeen. As a teenager, you can never imagine waking up one day and realizing that all of your friends are in their seventies and eighties. This realization hit me when my twenty-year-old cat Desmond came into the front room and appeared to have suddenly had a stroke and could longer see. Watching Desmond struggle that morning made me feel like I was in a nursing home. It no longer mattered how big and beautiful he had been all of his life; he was instantly helpless and could not even eat on his own. Over the next few months, I learned a lot about growing old... "Through the eyes of Desmond".


Marilynn J. Harris

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Idaho Author

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