Beyond the Idaho Mountains

Beyond the Idaho Mountains

(The Moon Mountain Series Book 2)

Will and Clayton Richardson, two handsome Idaho brothers lived a carefree, abundant life. Their affluent family traveled all over the world, the boys attended a private Christian school, and they lived in a lavish home in Eagle, Idaho a small suburb near Boise.

Suddenly their amazing life began to crumble because their father, Clint Richardson lost everything. Then without any warning the entire Richardson family mysteriously vanished from their beautiful home in Eagle, Idaho.

The peaceful little community was stunned by the abrupt disappearance of this wonderful family. Nobody knew what had happened to them. Hundreds of volunteers searched all across Idaho and the surrounding area, but they found no trace of the prominent family. The family just ceased to exist.

679 days after the Richardson family disappeared, two filthy, vagrant teenagers appeared from beyond the Idaho Mountains in search of their destiny.

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